Great: Generating audio from a screenplay made things go much, much faster!
A little bad: Writing a keyboard macro to drive a programming environment is a bit tedious and finicky. I wanted to use a real programming language.
A little bad: Even with a keyboard macro triggering the action on screen, it’s still cumbersome to set up a screen capture program to record the action into video. It was annoying enough that I was reluctant to go through the process again whenever I needed to re-record video.
Bad: Manually editing together the audio fragments and the video was still time-consuming.
Bad: The video showed a session in Microsoft VS Code, but during the days I was working on the video, Microsoft changed the UI of VS Code! That prevented me from incorporating new video, because I didn’t want the distraction of the UI changing back and forth during the video.
Bad: YouTube doesn’t allow you to replace a video with an updated one at the same URL, so each time I edited my video I had to post it at a new URL. This eroded any theoretical value of likes or comments.
What I really wanted to be able to do was write a screenplay and have both the audio and video completely generated from that. I eventually concluded that it would be easier to mock a user interface (like a terminal or editor) than to drive an actual application.
Motion comics
Meanwhile I was fascinated by two UI ideas:
Researcher Bret Victor places thumbnails next to his videos. You can read the thumbnails like a comic. I wish YouTube did this, although it’s been pointed out that anything along these lines would probably reduce their ad revenue.
Interactive motion comics like Florence explore the space in between print comics and interactive games.
I decided to try to create a system that would take a screenplay as input and then output a motion comic. I loved comics as a kid and still enjoy them today. They can feel fun in a way that a tech video often does not.
One strength of a comic is that, unlike a video, the user controls the pace. It’s only a small act to scroll the page, but it feels engaging like reading, not as passive as watching a video.
Building a motion comic in HTML/CSS
One architectural principle I adopted for this was to render the initial form of the complete comic using just HTML and CSS. This not only serves the small audience that don’t or can’t use JavaScript, but also works with the grain of the web.
This static-first approach meant I could easily build the comic page in Origami itself. The main build process feeds the screenplay to a template that generates panels for each screenplay segment. A given panel might the appearance of a terminal window or show a graphic, for example.
Given the advancing state of CSS, building a page in plain HTML and CSS still requires a lot of knowledge, but things mostly work as expected. A particularly important feature for this project was using CSS scroll-snap to center the current panel on the page.
The scroll-snap feature more or less works as advertised, although I notice some slightly odd behaviors on iOS Safari. iOS Safari also has some deeply annoying behavior related to audio autoplay that make it very difficult even to let users opt into audio. These iOS is my least favorite browser to work in.
Once I could render the basic comic, I went through and added a bit of JavaScript animation to the panels as a progressive enhancement. For now this animation mostly takes the form of typing, but it’s a start. Just as Grant Sanderson has evolved his system for programmatic math animations, this comic system can evolve in the future.
It was really fun to round out the experience with stock vector illustrations, sound effects, and gorgeous comic lettering fonts from BlamBot. As soon as I dropped in a dialogue font with ALL CAPS, the comic feel snapped into focus.
Building this mostly as plain HTML and CSS has two other important benefits:
Change detection. As with all Origami projects, I can use Origami’s own changes function to test the built files against a previously-generated baseline. That includes checking the text of any comic panels that incorporate the output of Origami expressions. If I make a change to the language itself that inadvertently changes the output shown in the comic, the changes function should flag those for me.
These plain web files can be hosted anywhere. I don’t have any particular beef with YouTube at this time but their market position as a capricious and rapacious monopolist should give us all pause. Without the constraints of YouTube, I can update the comic whenever I want and keep the same URL. And you don’t have to sit through ads!
What I really want to do is direct
I now have the basics of the system I’ve wanted: I can edit a screenplay and have that produce a (hopefully) engaging user experience with dynamic visual and audio components.
This feels more like directing than video production. With a video, I often couldn’t get a sense for how a particular line would feel until the video was finished — but unless I was really unhappy with it, it was inconceivable that I would go back and redo a line.
Being able to focus on the screenplay makes it much easier for me to step back, perceive the comic as a viewer, and spot something that can be improved. Editing the comic is as fast as editing any other text and the result of the edit can be viewed instantly.
How does it feel?
This kind of motion comic sits somewhere on a spectrum between plain text documentation and recorded video tutorials. It wouldn’t take much to move this closer to regular text documentation, or push it further to the other end and render all the animated frames to video.
I’m pretty happy with this as it is, but if you go through the comic and have thoughts, I’d love to hear them.
It’s always useful for me at the end of the year to reflect back on the past year’s work. I think this has been a great year for the Web Origami project and the Origami language.
Goals for 2024
At the start of the year I set some specific goals for the project, all in service of building awareness of the project. These were all in addition to the regular investments in the Origami language, runtime, builtins, etc.
Goal 1: Create a small but realistic sample application every month
I kept this up for six months, producing the set of apps on the Examples page:
Cherokee Myths — generate a table of contents, incorporate full-text search
Japan hike ebook — using ZIP/EPUB tree driver to create an ebook
pondlife — sample blog, made available as origami-blog-start starter project
I’m quite happy with this set, and I think they’ve been helpful in illustrating some of what Origami can do.
Halfway through the year I felt like I’d reached the point of diminishing returns; adding one more to the set isn’t going to be the thing that tips the balance for a newcomer. And going forward actual user sites will also be good examples for others to follow.
Goal 2: Daily efforts to promote Web Origami
Marketing doesn’t come naturally to me, so I tried to make myself spend substantial time doing it. I wanted reach out to at least one person each work day with an email, social media post, blog post, etc.
I was only able to keep this up for a few months before getting exhausted. As it turned out, that might have been enough anyway.
Goal 3: Pitch Web Origami presentations to three conferences
I did this — but none of the conference accepted my talk proposals.
Submitting a conference proposal is real work, and I’ve come to believe that it’s a waste of my time.
As a matter of policy, conference organizers give you zero feedback on your submissions so it’s hard to improve them.
When I looked at talks that were ultimately accepted by these conferences, I was disappointed: many talks promoted technologies that already have a lot of awareness, so the conference just fanned the flames of something that’s already popular.
The world of conferences is supported by payola: companies pay conference organizers a “sponsorship fee” to get a talk accepted. I can’t afford that, and in any event find the practice appalling. I sat through a one-day conference this year that felt like binging 10 hours of informercials.
The one conference I particularly wanted to speak at was the StrangeLoop conference. Sadly, in January 2024 I looked for their CFP and was crushed to learn that 2023 had been the final year of the conference.
I would love to present Origami at a conference at some point but can’t afford to waste more time on talk proposals that will just get rejected. I’ll only invest the time to prepare a talk if invited to do so.
Feature work
I am incredibly fortunate to be able to work on the Origami language full time. I was able to invest in a long list of new or improved features for the language. Most of the investments I made in the second half of the year were based on user feedback.
By far the most exciting news this year was that people began using Origami to make sites with it. At the beginning of the year I was the only one with Origami sites in production; now there are a couple of user sites and a few more are in development.
These early adopters provide invaluable feedback on what kinds of sites real people want to make, and whether Origami makes it easy for them to make those kinds of sites.
I’m looking forward in 2025 to fostering the community of Origami users and directing substantial investments in the project based on their feedback.
I’ve posted a new Origami intro screencast that covers some of the basics of the Origami language:
This screencast doesn’t give a complete introduction yet, but I think the production process I’m using is itself interesting and worth sharing.
Videos are a vital form of documentation but:
Videos take forever to produce — for me, easily an hour or more of production work per minute of final video!
Videos documenting an evolving language quickly become out of date. I’ve poured weeks and weeks into videos that are already woefully out of date and have had to be taken down to avoid confusion.
What I really want is to be able to focus on the story I want to tell — to be a screenwriter. I want to write a screencast script with stage directions (“Click on index.html”) and dialogue (“Alice: This index.html file contains…”). I’d love to be able to generate a decent screencast video directly from that.
I can’t find anything that lets me do what I want, so for now I’m trying to automate generation of the video and audio separately.
I’m trying a scriptable mouse/keyboard desktop automation product called Keyboard Maestro. I can write keyboard/mouse macros for specific common actions (open the VS Code terminal, select a file, etc.), then assemble these into an overall macro for the screencast.
This is very clunky for this purpose; I really wish some product like this offered a real programming language. In any event, I play the macro while recording the screen to get the video portion of the screencast.
The script is a YAML file with lines of dialogue for each of the “actors”:
To illustrate the basic ideas in their plainest form, let's start by writing
some expressions in Origami using the command-line interface called ori. If
I type "ori 1 plus 1", it evaluates that and displays 2.
If I type "ori hello”, oree displays hello. In the shell, you'll need to
escape quotes or surround them with extra quotes because the shell itself
consumes quote marks.
In addition to basic numbers and strings, you can reference files. Think of
each file as if it were a spreadsheet cell. Instead of the A1, B2 style cell
references in a spreadsheet, we can use paths and file names to refer to
things. Unlike most programming languages, names in Origami can include
characters like periods and hyphens.
This produces the audio portion of the screencast.
I then use Camtasia to merge the audio and video to create the final screencast file. This requires a fair bit of work to position the audio clips in relation to the video, and in many places to add delays in the video to give the audio time to play.
This editing process still takes time but the recording of the audio and video took very little time compared to previous screencasts. And if Origami changes, it’s feasible to tweak the demo macro or dialogue, rerecord those, and splice those into the screencast.
I posted this video on the Origami discussion board to get feedback on a draft screencast. I used that feedback to refine the audio and video and then spliced in the updated parts. Being able to iterate on a screencast is fantastic.
One unpleasant surprise: After a second round of feedback, I went to rerecord the video — and discovered that VS Code had made changes to its window chrome! Uh, rats. That means that new video clips can’t be used alongside old ones, which means having to reposition all the audio in relation to the new video. That’s a real time sink.
I hope this approach pans out so that I can make more useful screencasts that can stay relevant for a longer time. Towards that end, I’d love to be able to:
Replace the use of a keyboard/mouse desktop automation with something that has a real programming language, ideally JavaScript.
Annotate the desktop automation script with the dialogue so that I can somehow programmatically sync the audio and video tracks.
Alternatively, create a way to render something that looks like a generic code editor (and browser) with enough functionality to illustrate the kinds of points I make in screencasts, and where I can drive all the activity through code.
If you’re familiar with tools that can do any of those things, please let me know!
I’d love to find a few new people to try out the Origami programming language for creating websites — maybe you?
Maybe you have any of these goals:
Are thinking of making a site for a passion project but aren’t sure how
Have an existing site you want to move off a platform (WordPress, say) to something you control
Want to try rewriting a site to add more features
Want a site where you understand how it’s made
and you:
Are familiar with basic HTML and CSS (JavaScript knowledge is not required)
Can use a code editor (doesn’t matter which one)
Have some minimal experience running commands in a terminal window
The Origami programming language complements HTML and CSS to let you define the structure of a site. You write formulas or expressions at roughly the level of complexity of spreadsheet formulas. These fully determine the site you get; nothing happens unless you ask for it.
The language is concise and powerful. The above screenshot shows the code for a sample influencer lifestyle blog. Those ~15 lines of code establish the basic site structure, and another 20 lines in other files prepare the raw content and produce the blog feed. That’s all that’s required to define a blog engine completely from scratch. For comparison, a typical blog engine might require much more code in its configuration file alone and be much harder to reason about.
A playtest is generally done as a video call. You outline your goals and then either go through an Origami tutorial or we work together to start something from scratch. At this stage of the language’s evolution, direct observation is extremely helpful. Some people find that prospect intimidating, but this is a playtest! We will test the language — no one will be testing you.
The Origami documentation is complete enough that a motivated person could potentially get up and running on their own, but the onboarding won’t be as easy as with an already well-established, mature language.
I am deeply touched by the warm response to my recent MomBoard: E-ink display for a parent with amnesia post. It got much more circulation on Mastodon that I usually get, and overnight someone posted it to Hacker News — where it shot to the #1 story. I discovered this after waking up and finding my inbox full of LinkedIn requests.
The post stayed on the HN home page for two full days, which stunned me because their story ranking algorithm heavily discounts stories over time. The story got 2000+ points, more than every other post on HN that day, beating out the day’s news that The Onion bought InfoWars.
In response, I received a number of emails from people with a parent or loved one in a similar situation and wondering whether I could make the MomBoard source code available.
That was a small challenge, as the project has more in common with a home-cooked meal than a finished product. I’d written the project for a tiny audience of family members and had taken the liberty of shortcuts that wouldn’t work for others, like hard-coding people’s names.
I’ve done my best to document the “recipe” for this project in the README. It’s long and complicated, and perhaps only useful as inspiration; we’ll see. Like most home recipes, people will want to adapt the recipe to their own tastes and situation.
Today marks two years since I first set up an e-ink display in my mom’s apartment to help her live on her own with amnesia. The display has worked extremely well during those two years, so I’m sharing the basic set-up in case others find it useful for similar situations.
Note: unless you have specific experience caring for someone who has amnesia but not dementia, please do not offer care suggestions.
The patient
In June 2022 the side-effects of a long surgery left my mom with permanent anterograde amnesia: she can no longer form new long-term memories. Memory isn’t just one neurological system, so very occasionally she will be able to remember certain types of things. But for the most part, if she hears or sees something, a few minutes later she will no longer remember it.
To medical professionals her condition looks a lot like dementia — amnesia is a common symptom of dementia — but she doesn’t have dementia. One difference is that (as I understand it) dementia is a progressive disease, while this amnesia is stable. There is no cure.
Someday I might post about the experience about caring for her, but for now I’ll just say that this type of amnesia is not something one should wish on one’s worst enemies.
My mom still lives on her own in an apartment. Because she cannot remember things, she goes through each day in a state of low-grade anxiety about where her grown children are and whether they are all right. She feels she hasn’t heard from any of us in a long time. This anxiety manifests as extremely frequent attempts to call or text us.
Paper notes and other forms of reminders didn’t seem to help, and would become out of date even if they weren’t misplaced. My siblings and I would call to let her know we were okay, but five minutes later she’d be back to being worried. She wasn’t in the habit of scrolling back through text messages, so once she’d read a message, it was immediately forgotten and effectively lost.
I thought some sort of unobtrusive, always-on device installed in her apartment might be able to show her notes written by my siblings and me.
Design goals
My goal was to find a display that:
Could stay on for months on end
Would let my siblings and I easily post short messages to it that would remain visible until replaced
Was large enough and easy enough to read without glasses
Required no interaction to wake or read and was relatively foolproof (touching it wouldn’t disrupt it)
Was resilient to network failures
Didn’t glow at nighttime
Didn’t require hardware hackery (I’m a software person)
Would boot directly into displaying messages (no interaction needed to start an app)
Was not enshittified with a subscription service or proprietary app store
Was reasonably affordable
Would not look out of place in a home
Given the above design goals, I searched for a tablet-size electronic ink display with Wi-Fi connectivity and a decent web browser.
One device that seemed to fit my parameters was the BOOX Note Air2 Series. At the time it cost US$500, which is expensive but is still far cheaper than screens intended for use as commercial retail displays. It’s marketed as a note-taking device and ebook reader, but it also has a capable web browser. It’s big enough to read from a few feet away.
A critical question I couldn’t answer online was whether I’d be able to have the device automatically start its web browser and have that browser display a designated start page. Happily, when the device arrived I was able to confirm it could do both of those things.
The physical case of the Note Air2 looks reasonably nice and not particularly tech-y. The e-ink display is clear and legible; it refreshes quickly enough to not be distracting. By default the device’s backlight was turned on but I could turn it off.
I found a small metal stand to serve an easel for the display so that it felt more like a picture frame.
Web software
Since the physical device was satisfactory, the next step was writing a simple website that could drive the display. The site would have two pages:
A Board page showing the messages. The e-ink device would boot into showing this page. This is the only page my mom needed to see.
A Compose page my siblings and I write messages and save them to be displayed.
The device needed to run for months, and needed to be resilient in the case of network and service failures. At the same time, I also needed to be able to remotely update not only the messages being displayed, but the software displaying those messages.
With that in mind, I factored the Board page into an outer frame and an inner page:
The top-level outer frame acts as a thin shell around the inner page. At top of every hour, the outer frame reloads the inner page to pick up potential software changes. If the network is down and the inner page doesn’t reload, the frame just tries again an hour later. To maximize reliability, the outer frame has very little logic and no external dependencies.
The inner page actually displays the messages. Every 5 minutes it queries a simple web service for message data and displays the messages. The inner page contains a small amount of logic, but as few dependencies as possible.
Since it’s essentially impossible to debug anything that happens on the device, I made as much use of vanilla HTML and CSS as possible. I used a small amount of JavaScript but no framework or other libraries.
The Compose page presents a simple web form my siblings and I can use to compose and save a message. I designed the form to work well on a phone screen so that we can write messages when we’re out and about. A small web app manifest lets us save the Compose page to a phone’s home screen as an icon for quick access.
The whole site is tiny, entails no build process, and with the exception of the service (below) is just static files.
Visual design
I was concerned about the possibility of e-ink burn-in, so the Board page randomly changes which message appears where. Other visual elements like the date and time alternate from side to side, with the intention that no single pixel is always on.
To style the note text I chose the free Architect’s Daughter font for a handwritten feel. This font works well on the e-ink display. Labels are displayed in Open Sans.
One small challenge was maximizing the size of the message text. Sometimes a message is just a word or two; other times it might be several sentences. A single font size can’t accommodate such a wide range of text content. I couldn’t find a pure CSS way to automatically maximize font size so that a text element with word wrapping would display without clipping.
I ended up writing a small JavaScript function to maximize font size: it makes the text invisible (via CSS visibility: hidden), tries displaying the text at a very large size, and then tries successively smaller font sizes until it finds a size that lets all the text fit. It then makes the text visible again.
Just a tiny amount of text data is necessary to drive the display, so I was happy to find the minimalist JsonStorage service that was perfect for this project. A single JSON object stores the text and metadata for the current set of messages. The Compose page can save to the service with a POST request, and the Board page can retrieve the data with a GET.
The service has a free tier that I started with, but I liked the service so much that I eventually paid for a $1/month basic tier. (It appears that tier is now $5/month.)
Trial and installation
I spent a couple of weeks working on the software and letting it run for long periods of time. I was pleasantly surprised that the Boox display worked as well as it did and seemed to stay up indefinitely.
I brought the display over to my mom’s apartment on November 12, 2022, turned it on, joined it to her Wi-Fi, and rebooted it to confirm everything worked in the new environment.
I thought the bathroom counter might be a good place for it, but my mom thought she’d rather have it in her bedroom, so we found a home for it on a windowsill.
My mom was happy with the display right away.
Despite her amnesia, my mom came to remember that this display exists and what it’s for. She looks forward to seeing updates from her children on it.
If we tell her about something that’s coming up, she often asks whether we’ve already put that event on the MomBoard. On the flip side, we have to be careful to keep it up to date; if we fail to take down a message that no longer applies, it confuses her.
Looking back, the display is essentially the only intervention of any kind we’ve tried that’s actually been successful at improving her quality of life (and ours). One reason it’s worked so well is that it didn’t require her to learn anything new. Without the ability to remember new things, it’s virtually impossible for her to learn a new skill or to form new habits.
The device’s reliability has surpassed my expectations. There was one period where the device seemed to stop working, but I traced the problem to a faulty Wi-Fi hub; after that was replaced, it’s worked flawlessly since. For my part, keeping the software as simple as possible and sticking to vanilla web technologies surely helped avoid bugs.
The display still looks great, and it still displays messages day in and day out.
If you want to try to set up something similar to what I describe here, I’m happy to answer technical questions or share advice.
I was able retire an old #Heroku site by copying the content to a completely #static #website. Instead of resurrecting the source project and rewriting it, I used the #WebOrigami crawl command to retrieve the static files.
The @crawl picked up all but a few exotically-referenced resources that I copied over by hand. I dropped it all on Netlify. Some pages didn’t have an .html extension, so I added a small Netlify config to serve those as HTML. Then I pointed the old domain at the new site: Done!
Retiring this server as a static site reduces my monthly cost for it from $7/month to $0. The site’s for an old startup company but includes documentation for a web components library that I want to leave available.
If you’d like help retiring a site, let me know and I’ll see if I can assist.
The basic site auditing tool in #WebOrigami can work against a site defined in many ways: a data file, files in the file system, an Origami program — or a live #website running in production.
In the video I show an audit of the unbelievably massive Space Jam. For a site with 350+ handwritten HTML files, it contains surprisingly few broken internal links.
A simple protocol lets you make the contents of your #smallweb / #indieweb site more fully discoverable and explorable by interested users. This can also let site A see what resources site B offers.
I’ve been working on this in the spirit of the web’s simple, venerable, and immensely valuable View Source facility. View Source just lets you view a single HTML page; the web lacks a standard equivalent of a directory listing for a given route. This aims to fill that gap.
I made a short video walking through how I generate OpenGraph images for the pages on my blog using Origami.
This video is an experiment. It takes me ages to create polished documentation or videos — and that’s discouraged me from creating anything at all! I thought I’d try recording a video with only minimal rehearsal and no editing and see if this kind of thing can fill the gap until I can produce something better.