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We’re shutting down our web component catalog

We launched this Component Kitchen site in April 2014 with a web component catalog as its centerpiece. Today we're shutting down that catalog so we can focus on web component consulting and our open web components projects, including the Gold Standard Checklist for Web Components and the general-purpose Basic Web Components library.

Running the component catalog was a great way to learn about building production applications using web components and Google's Polymer library. But we've come to feel that the catalog's utility is limited, and it no longer makes economic sense to continue it.

Retiring the catalog lets us invest more time in the projects that we think matter more. People who want a component catalog can use customelements.io, which has seen many improvements lately. Also, as a service to people who have made deep links to our catalog's component pages, for the indefinite future we will continue to serve up tombstone pages at those URLs that offer a link to the corresponding repository on GitHub.

When we started our catalog, there were only about 40 publicly registered web components — now the number is in the thousands. We really appreciate all of the people who visited our catalog in the last year and a half, who built a great component we could feature, and who took the time to give us feedback or a shout-out on social sites. We're still excited to be working in this transformative web components space, and look forward to sharing our ongoing work here soon.