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Do web component developers still need jQuery

I love you, jQuery. But maybe it’s time we started spending some time apart.

Improvements in cross-browser feature set and compatibility are reducing the need for jQuery, but more importantly, it turns out that a component-based app needs very little jQuery to begin with. These insights led to one of the first decisions I hit in starting Quetzal: should it require jQuery? The answer, so far, is no.

Since its inception in 2007, QuickUI has relied on jQuery as a crucial browser abstraction layer. Without jQuery, QuickUI would have never have come to exist. However, the QuickUI runtime itself only uses a fairly small set of core jQuery functions, and modern browsers now deliver standards-based solutions for those situations. Moreover, I’ve noticed that, when building QuickUI component-based apps, component code tends to rarely require sophisticated jQuery.

Meanwhile, the web has moved forward. The modern browsers — the latest Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer 10+ — are all much, much more consistent to develop for than browsers were six years ago. Glancing at pages on QuirksMode, one generally sees a see of green compliance, with most of the red markers of non-compliance for older versions of IE. And according to StatCounter, market shares for both IE 8 and 9 have now dropped below 10% (each), so it’s plausible for mainstream organizations to justify ignoring them.

Let’s break down the things jQuery is good at, and consider how necessary are in a web component-based application (specifically) targeting the modern browsers:

Generally speaking, in a component-based app, you want to give each component the responsibility for managing its own appearance and behavior. You don’t want code walking all over the DOM tree and mucking around with things that aren’t its direct responsibility. Instead, you talk to the component managing the part of the DOM you care about, and ask that component to manipulate the elements it directly owns. In classic object-oriented programming terms, this is an application of the Law of Demeter.

In practice, compartmentalizing things that way leaves each component doing very simple manipulations on a comparatively small set of elements: instantiating a new element; iterating over its own children; applying or removing a style; etc. If a component wants to do something more sophisticated to its internals, more likely than not the component should delegate that operation to one of its own sub-components. The component’s own need to search is limited, reducing the need for a powerful selector/traversal engine. And, given a reasonably good programming language, simple DOM manipulations can be performed effectively — and with better performance — by directly accessing the DOM API.

I’m no cross-browser DOM API expert, and I’ve only just started to try to do things without jQuery. I could easily hit a landmine tomorrow, tripping upon some cross-browser nastiness I’ve been blithely unaware of, which jQuery for years has been invisibly and reliably been protecting me from. That said, work on Quetzal is progressing fairly smoothly without jQuery, and a week or two into this project, I’m not missing most of jQuery. It would be nice to have a much smaller library of helper functions which present a more JavaScript-flavored approach to the DOM API, as in jQuery’s css(), mentioned above.

From one standpoint, you could say I’ve just traded one browser abstraction layer (jQuery) for another (Polymer’s platform.js). However, platform.js feels like a pretty different animal than jQuery:

We’ll see how the Quetzal experiment evolves, but so far, writing directly to the DOM API is working out okay.

So, jQuery, maybe we should spend some time apart. Maybe we should see some other people. It’s not you — it’s me! Don’t worry; I might miss you terribly and come running back. Or maybe we’ll just be friends.

It’s okay. We’ll always have IE6.