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Our experience upgrading web components from Shadow DOM/Custom Elements v0 to v1

With Google now shipping both Shadow DOM v1 and Custom Elements v1 in Chrome, and Apple shipping Shadow DOM v1 in Safari, we’ve been upgrading the Basic Web Components library from the original v0 specs to v1. Here’s what we learned, in case you’re facing a similar upgrade of your own components, or just want to understand some ramifications of the v1 changes.

Upgrading components to Shadow DOM v1: Easy!

Google developer Hayato Ito has a great summary of What’s New in Shadow DOM v1. Adapting our components to accommodate most of the changes on that list was trivial, often just a matter of Find and Replace. The v0 features that were dropped were ones we had never used (multiple shadow roots, shadow-piercing CSS combinators) or had avoided (<content select=”...”>), so their absence in v1 did not present a problem.

One v1 feature that we had heavily lobbied for was the addition of the slotchange event. The ability of an element to detect changes in its own distributed content is a critical addition to the spec. We are happy to replace our old, hacky method of detecting content changes with the new, official slotchange event. This allows us to easily write components that meet the Content Changes requirement on the Gold Standard checklist for web components.

Upgrading components to Custom Elements v1: Some challenges

The changes from Custom Elements v0 to v1 were more challenging, although some were easy:

One small obstacle we hit is that a v1 component now needs to declare which attributes it wants to monitor for changes. This performance optimization in Custom Elements v1 requires that your component declare an observedAttributes array to avoid getting attributeChangedCallback invocations for attributes you don’t care about. That sounds simple, but in our mixin-based approach to writing components, it was actually a bit of a pain. Each mixin had to not only declare the attributes it cared about, but it had to cooperatively construct the final observedAttributes array. We eventually hit on the idea of having the aforementioned AttributeMarshalling mixin programmatically inspect the component class for all custom properties, and automatically generate an appropriate array of attributes for observedAttributes. That seems to be working fine.

A more problematic change in v1 is that component initialization is now done in a class constructor instead of a createdCallback. The change itself is a desirable one, but we expected it would be tricky, and it was. The biggest problem we’ve encountered is that the list of Requirements for custom element constructors prohibits a new component from setting attributes in its constructor. The intention, as we understand it, is to mirror standard element behavior. Calling createElement('div') returns a clean div with no attributes, so calling createElement('my-custom-element') should return a clean element too, right?

That sounds good but turns out to be limiting. Custom elements can’t do everything that native elements can, and sometimes the only way to achieve a desired result is for a custom element to add an attibute to itself:

  1. A component wants to define default ARIA attributes for accessibility purposes. For example, our ListBox component needs to add role=”listbox” to itself. That helps a screen reader interpret the component correctly, without the person using the component having to know about or understand ARIA. That role attribute is a critical part of a ListBox element, and needs to be there by default.
  2. A component wants to reflect its state as CSS classes so that component users can provide state-dependent styling. For example, our CollapsiblePanel component wants to let designers style its open and closed appearances by adding CSS classes that reflect the open/closed state. This component reflects the current state of its closed property via CSS classes. It’s reasonable that a component would want to set the initial state of that closed property in a constructor. But setting that default value of that property in the constructor will trigger the update to the CSS class, which is not permitted in Custom Elements v1.

In these cases, it doesn’t seem like it would be hard to just set the attributes in the connectedCallback instead. In practice, it introduces complications because a web app author that instantiates a component would like to be able to immediately make changes to it before adding it to the document. In the first scenario above, the author might want to adjust the role attribute:

class ListBox extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.setAttribute('role', 'listbox');

let listBox = document.createElement('basic-list-box');
listBox.setAttribute('role', 'tabs'); // Set custom role
document.body.appendChild(listBox); // connectedCallback will overwrite role!

Because ListBox can’t apply a default role attribute at constructor time, its connectedCallback will have to take care to see if a role has already been set on the component before applying a default value of role=”listbox”. It’s easy for a developer to forget such a check. The result will likely be components that belatedly apply default attributes, stomping on top of attributes that were applied after the constructor and before the component is added to the document.

Another problem comes up in the second scenario above. The creator of the component would like to be able to write a property getter/setter that reflects its state as CSS classes:

let closedSymbol = Symbol('closed');

class CollapsiblePanel extends HTMLElement {

  constructor() {
    // Set defaults
    this.closed = true; // Sets the “class” attribute, so will throw!

  get closed() {
    return this[closedSymbol];
  set closed(value) {
    this[closedSymbol] = value;
    this.toggleClass('closed', value);
    this.toggleClass('opened', !value);


Since the above code won’t work, the developer has to take care to defer all attribute writes (including manipulations of the classList, which updates the class attribute) to the connectedCallback. To make that tolerable, we ended up creating safeAttributes, a set of helper functions that can defer premature calls to setAttribute() and toggleClass() to the connectedCallback.

That’s working for now, but it feels like the v1 restrictions on the constructor are overly limiting. The intention is to ensure that the component user gets a clean element from createElement() — but if the resulting element is just going to add attributes to itself in the connectedCallback, is that element really clean? As soon as the attribute-less element is added to the document, it will suddenly grow new attributes. In our opinion, that feels even more surprising than having createElement() return an element with default attributes.

The current state of Shadow DOM and Custom Elements v1

Overall, we’re excited that we’ve got our components and mixins working in production Chrome 54, which just shipped last week with support for both Shadow DOM v1 and Custom Elements v1. The Chrome implementation of the specs feels solid, and we haven’t hit any bugs.

Shadow DOM v1 is also coming together in Safari, including in Mobile Safari. At the moment, it feels more like a beta than a production feature — we’ve hit a number of critical bugs in WebKit that prevent most of our components from working. Apple’s working through those bugs, and we hope to see WebKit’s support for Shadow DOM improve soon.

In the meantime, Google has been doing the thankless, herculean task of upgrading the Shadow DOM and Custom Elements polyfills to the v1 specs. That’s great to see, because without an answer for older browsers, web components won’t see wide adoption. At the moment, the v1 polyfills also feel like a beta, but they’re coming along quickly. As soon as the polyfills are stable enough, we’re looking forward to making a full release of Basic Web Components based on the v1 specs.

Replacing your server-side template language with plain JavaScript functions

We’ve rewritten the component.kitchen backend server to rip out a popular templating language and replace it with plain JavaScript functions. Recent language improvements in ES2015 have, in our opinion, made it a sufficiently capable general-purpose language that we’ve dropped use of a special-purpose template language. As we began a rewrite of our site, we were inspired by our recent work using plain JavaScript functions to create web components and decided to apply the same philosophy to our backend as well.

We serve up our site using Node and Express. A popular feature of Express is that it supports pluggable template languages, called “view engines”. Until now, we’ve used Dust.js as our template language. This has worked okay, and we’ve done it that way for so long that we’ve rarely questioned the need for a special language to solve this one problem. But using a template language has some downsides:

Why use a special-purpose template language at all? Why not JavaScript? Now that ES2015 has template literals, we thought we’d try using those as the basis for a plain JavaScript solution.

Step 1: Replace each template file with a plain JavaScript function

We create a file for each kind of page we serve up. Each file exports a single function that accepts an Express request object (which contains the HTTP headers, URL parameters, etc.) and returns a text string containing the response to send to the client.

// SamplePage.js
module.exports = request =>
  `<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello, world!</title>
      You’re looking at a page hosted on ${request.params.hostname}.

This is a pure function — it has no side effects. It returns a string using a template literal, splicing in data using the ${...} syntax. As with all template language syntax, it is ugly. But at least this particular ugly syntax is now standard JavaScript. You can use the same ugly syntax throughout your code, instead of different ugly syntaxes for different parts of your code. JavaScript FTW!

Why use a special-purpose template language at all? Why not JavaScript?

The render function can do whatever you want. If you need to do some computation — filter an array, etc. — you can do that in plain JavaScript, then splice the results into the string you return. While you could embed conditionals in the template literal directly, we prefer to avoid that, as it quickly gets ugly.

If you want to have a page use a more general template, you can easily do that too:

// Define a template. It’s just a function that returns a string.
let template = (request, data) =>
  `<!DOCTYPE html>

// Create a page that uses the template.
module.exports = request => template(request, {
  title: `Hello, world!`,
  content: `You’re looking at a page hosted on ${request.params.hostname}.`

Since a render function often needs to do asynchronous work, we allow a render function to return either a string or a Promise for a string.

Step 2: Map Express routes to render functions

We create a simple mapping of routes to the functions that handle those routes. Since a render function’s file exports only that function, we can reference it with a require() statement:

let routes = {
  '/': require('./home.js'),
  '/about': require('./about.js'),
  '/blog': require('./blogIndex.js'),
  '/blog/posts/:post': require('./blogPost.js'),
  '/robots.txt': require('./robots.js'),
  '/sitemap.xml': require('./sitemap.js')

Step 3: When a request comes in, invoke the render function

We wire up our Express routes such that, when a request comes in matching a given route, the corresponding render function is invoked. The result of that function is resolved and returned as the request’s response.

// Map routes to render functions.
for (let path in routes) {
  let renderFunction = routes[path];
  app.get(path, (request, response) => {
    // Render the request as a string or promise for a string.
    let result = renderFunction(request);
    // If the result's not already a promise, cast it to a promise.
    .then(content => {
      // Return the rendered content as the response.
      response.set('Content-Type', inferContentType(content));

Step 4: Set the outgoing Content-Type

Nearly all our routes respond with HTML, but we have a small number of routes that return XML, JSON, or plain text. We could have a render function return multiple values, including an indication of the desired Content-Type. But our simple site serves up such a small number of content types that we can reliably infer the content type from the start of the response string.

// Given textual content to return, infer its Content-Type.
function inferContentType(content) {
  if (content.startsWith('<!DOCTYPE html>')) {
    return 'text/html';
  } else if (content.startsWith('<?xml')) {
    return 'text/xml';
  } else if (content.startsWith('{')) {
    return 'application/json';
  } else {
    return 'text/plain';

That’s it. We end up with a small set of JavaScript files, one for each kind of page we serve up. Each file defines a single render function, and each function is typically quite simple. In our opinion, our code has gotten easier to read and reason about. It’s also closer to the metal — we have ripped out a substantial, mysterious template language layer — so there are fewer surprises, and we don’t have to keep looking up template language tricks in the documentation or on StackOverflow.

Although domain-specific template languages like Dust look very efficient, over time we accumulated a non-trivial amount of JavaScript to get everything into a form Dust could process. Now that we’re just using JavaScript everywhere, we have much less page-generation code than we did before, and the new code is completely consistent with the rest of our code base.

Writing a web component that wraps a standard HTML element might alleviate the need for "is" syntax

What if you want to create a web component that extends the behavior of a standard HTML element like a link? An early draft of the Custom Elements specification allowed you to do this with a special syntax, but the fate of that syntax is in doubt. We’ve been trying to create custom variations of standard elements without that support, and wanted to share our progress. Our results are mixed: more positive than we expected, but with some downsides.

Why would you want to extend a standard HTML element?

Perhaps there’s a standard element does almost everything you want, but you want it to give it custom properties, methods, or behavior. Interactive elements like links, buttons, and various forms of input are common examples.

Suppose you want a custom anchor element that knows when it’s pointing to the page the user is currently looking at. Such a situation often comes up in navigation elements like site headers and app toolbars. On our own site, for example, we have a header with some links at the top to our Tutorial and About Us pages. If the user’s currently on the About Us page, we want to highlight the About Us link so the user can confirm their location:

While such highlighting is easy enough to arrange through link styling and dynamically choosing CSS classes in page templates, it seems weird that a link can’t just handle this highlighting itself. The link should be able to just combine the information it already has access to — its own destination, and the address of the current page — and determine for itself whether to apply highlighting.

We recently released a simple component called basic-current-anchor that does this. We did this partly because it’s a modestly useful component, and also because it’s a reasonable testing ground for ways to extend the behavior of a standard element like an anchor.

What’s the best way to implement a component that extends a standard element?

Option 1: Recreating a standard element from scratch (Bad idea)

Creating an anchor element completely from scratch turns out to be ferociously complicated. You’d think you could just apply some styling to make an element blue and underlined, define an href attribute/property, and then open the indicated location when the user clicks. But there’s far more to an anchor element than that. A sample of the problems you’ll face:

  1. The result of clicking the link depends on which modifier keys the user is pressing when they click. They may want to open the link in a new tab or window, and the key they usually press to accomplish that varies by browser and operating system.
  2. You’ll need to do work to handle the keyboard.
  3. Standard links can change their color if the user has visited the destination page. That knowledge of browser history is not available to you through a DOM API, so your custom anchor element won’t know which color to display.
  4. When you hover over a standard <a> element, the browser generally shows the link destination in a status bar. But there is no way to set the status bar text in JavaScript. That’s probably a good thing! It would be annoying for sites to change the status bar for nefarious purposes. But even with a solid justification for doing so, your custom anchor element has no way to show text in the status bar.
  5. Right-clicking or long-tapping a standard link produces a context menu that includes link-specific commands like “Copy Address”. Again, this is a browser feature to which you have no access in JavaScript, so your custom anchor element can’t offer these commands.
  6. A standard anchor element has a number of accessibility features that are used by users with screen readers and other assistive techologies. While you can work around the problem to some extent with ARIA, there are numerous gaps in implementing accessibilty completely from scratch.

Given this (likely incomplete) litany of problems, we view this option as a non-starter, and would strongly advise others to not go down this road. It’s a terrible, terrible idea.

Option 2: Hope/wait for is=”” syntax to be supported

The original Custom Elements spec called for an extends option for document.registerElement() to indicate the tag of a standard element you wanted to extend:

  class MyCustomAnchor { ... }
  document.registerElement('my-custom-anchor', {
    prototype: MyCustomAnchor.prototype,
    extends: 'a'

Having done that, you could then create your custom variant of the standard element by using the standard tag, and then adding an is attribute indicating the name of your element.

    <a is="my-custom-anchor" href="https://example.com">A custom link</a>

However, at a W3C committee meeting in January, Apple indicated that they felt like this feature would likely generate many subtle problems. They do not want such problems to jeopardize the success of Custom Elements v1.0, and have argued that it should be excluded from the Custom Elements specification for now. Google and others would like to see this feature remain. But without unanimous support, the feature’s future is unclear, and we’re reluctant to depend on it.

Option 3: Use the Shadow DOM polyfill just for elements with is attributes

The web component polyfills already support the is="" syntax, so in theory you could keep using the polyfill even in browsers where native Shadow DOM is available. But that feels weird for a couple of reasons. First, the polyfill won’t load if native Shadow DOM is available, so you’d have to subvert that behavior. You’d have to keep just enough of the polyfill alive to handle just custom element instances using the is="" syntax. That doesn’t sound like fun. And, second, if is="" isn’t offically endorsed by all the browsers, it’s future is somewhat uncertain, so it’s seems somewhat risky to invest in it.

You could also try to manually reproduce what the Shadow DOM polyfill is doing, but that seems like an even worse answer. Your approach won’t be standard even in name, and so you’ll create a burden for people that want to use your component.

Option 4: Wrap a standard element

Since we think it’s inadvisable to recreate standard elements from scratch (option 1 above), and are nervous about depending on a standard syntax in the near future (options 2 and 3), we want to explore other options under our control. The most straightforward alternative seems to be wrapping a standard element. The general idea is to create a custom element that exposes the same API as a standard element, but delegates all the work to a real instance of a standard element sitting inside the custom element’s Shadow DOM subtree. This sort of works, but with some important caveats.

The process of wrapping a standard element is consistent enough across all standard element types that we can try to find a general solution. We’ve made our initial implementation available in the latest v0.7.3 release of Basic Web Components, in the form of a new base class called WrappedStandardElement. This component serves both as a base class for wrapped standard elements, and a class factory that generates such wrappers.

We’ve used this facility to refactor an existing component called basic-autosize-textarea (which wraps a standard textarea), and deliver a new component, basic-current-anchor. The latter wraps a standard anchor element to deliver the feature discussed above: the anchor marks itself as current if it points to the current page. You can view a simple demo.

The definition of basic-current-anchor wraps a standard anchor like this:

  // Wrap a standard anchor element.
  class CurrentAnchor extends WrappedStandardElement.wrap('a') {
    // Override the href property so we can do work when it changes.
    get href() {
      // We don't do any custom work here, but need to provide a getter so that
      // the setter below doesn't obscure the base getter.
      return super.href;
    set href(value) {
      super.href = value;
      /* Do custom work here */
  document.registerElement('basic-current-anchor', CurrentAnchor);

The WrappedStandardElement.wrap('a') returns a new class that does several things:

  1. The class’ createdCallback creates a Shadow DOM subtree that contains an instance of the standard element being wrapped. A runtime instance of <basic-current-anchor> will look like this:
          <a id="inner">
    Note that the inner <a> includes a <slot> element. This will render any content inside the <basic-current-anchor> inside the standard <a> element, which is what we want.
  2. All getter/setter properties in the API of the wrapped standard class are defined on the outer wrapper class and forwarded to the inner inner <a> element. Here, CurrentAnchor will end up exposing HTMLAnchorElement properties like href and forwarding those to the inner anchor. Such forwarded properties can be overridden, as shown above, to augment the standard behavior with custom behavior. Our CurrentAnchor class overrides href above so that, if the href is changed at runtime, the link updates its own visual appearance.
  3. Certain events defined by standard elements will be re-raised across the Shadow DOM boundary. The Shadow DOM spec defines a list of events that will not bubble up across a Shadow DOM boundary. For example, if you wrap a standard <textarea>, the change event on the textarea will not bubble up outside the custom element wrapper. That’s an issue for components like basic-autosize-textarea. Since Shadow DOM normally swallows change inside a shadow subtree, someone using basic-autosize-textarea wouldn’t be able to listen to change events coming from the inner textarea. To fix that, WrappedStandardElement automatically wires up event listeners for such events on the inner standard element. When those events happen, the custom element will re-raise those events in the light DOM world. This lets users of basic-autosize-textarea listen to change events as expected.

Because this approach uses a real instance of the standard element in question, many aspects of the standard element’s behavior work as normal for free. For example, an instance of <basic-current-anchor> will exhibit all the appearance and behavior of a standard <a> described above. That includes mouse behavior, status bar behavior, keyboard behavior, accessibility behavior, etc. That’s a huge relief!

But this approach has one significant limitation: styling. Because our custom element isn’t called “a”, CSS rules that apply to a elements will no longer work. Link pseudo classes like :visited won’t work either. Worse, because there’s essentially no meaningful standard styling solution for web components that works across the polyfilled browsers, it’s not clear how to provide a good styling solution.

Things will become a little easier when CSS Variables are implemented everywhere, but even that is a sub-optimal solution to styling a wrapped standard element. For one thing, you would need to separately define new CSS variables for every attribute someone might want to style. That includes inventing variables to replace standard CSS pseudo-classes. Next, someone using your wrapped element would need to duplicate all the styling rules to use both the standard attributes and your custom CSS variables. That mess gets worse with each wrapped standard element added to a project, since each will likely to define different (or, worse, conflicting) variable names.

For the time being, we’re trying a different solution, which is to define the interesting CSS attributes on a wrapped element using the CSS inherit value. E.g., a <basic-current-anchor> element currently has internal styling for the inner standard anchor that effectively does this:

  a {
    color: inherit;
    text-decoration: inherit;

What that means is that the inner anchor will have no color or text decoration (underline) by default. Instead, it will pick up whatever color or text-decoration is applied to the outer custom element. That’s fairly close to what we want, but still not ideal. If someone neglects to specify a color, for example, they’ll end up with links that are (most likely) black instead of the expected blue.

In practice, we may be able to live with that. The typical use case for our basic-current-anchor component, for example, is in navigation elements like toolbars, where web applications nearly always provide custom link styling that overrides the standard colors anyway. That said, styling represents a significant complication in this wrapping approach, and should be carefully considered if trying this.

Wrapping up

It would obviously be preferable for the Custom Elements specification to address the extension of standard elements when that becomes possible. But we’re pragmatic, and would rather see Custom Elements v1.0 ship without is="" support if that means it comes sooner — as long as the problem is eventually solved correctly. Until then, wrapping a standard element may provide a stopgap solution to create a custom element extending standard behavior. It’s not ideal, but may be sufficient for common cases.

This is a complex area, and we could easily be overlooking things in our analysis. If you have thoughts on this topic, or know of an issue not discussed here, please give us a heads up!

Web components let you preserve the backward compatibility of your own old code

An interesting point of backward compatibility came up as we were recently porting our own Component Kitchen site to plain JavaScript web components. The main goal of the port was to be able to write our own site in plain ES6, with less abstraction between us and the platform. We’ve also reaped some other benefits: our site is now simpler to build, and much faster to load on older polyfilled browsers like Apple Safari and Internet Explorer.

But the interesting bit was that we could use web components as a transitional strategy for our old code. The new components and the old components were written in a completely different way, but could nevertheless coexist on the page during the transition. All web components connect to the outside page through the same means: DOM attributes, DOM children, DOM events, as well as JavaScript properties and methods. So we could leave an old component in place while we changed the outer page, or vice versa, without having to rewrite everything at once.

When we recently spoke on an Web Platform Podcast episode, we spoke with panelist Leon Revill, who has raised this point of web components as a backward compatibility strategy. We think this is as a seriously underappreciated benefit of writing and using web components.

Which framework from three years ago would you prefer to use today if you were starting a new project?

The web development industry is a highly chaotic, substantially fractured, and quickly evolving marketplace of competing approaches to writing apps. Even if you have the luxury of developing in an approach you think is absolutely perfect for 2016, the chances are probably very low that you will still want to write your app that way in 2019. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself: which framework from three years ago would you prefer to use today if you were starting a new project?

If you’re working on something of lasting value, in three years time, you’ll still be forced to reckon with some of your old code from 2016. Unless you’re lavishly funded or insulated from the market, you probably won’t be able to afford to always move all your old code to whatever you decide is the latest and greatest way to write software. You’ll be forced to maintain code written in different eras, and that can be very tricky.

A web component provides a useful encapsulation boundary that can help keep old front-end user interface code usefully running directly alongside new code. While a variety of contemporary web frameworks offer proprietary component models, they can only offer backward compatibility to the extent that you’re willing to keep writing your whole app in that framework indefinitely. By virtue of being a web standard, the value of web components you write today should be able to be preserved for a very long time.

Bonus: During our port, we were able to bring our popular Web Components Tutorial up to date. If you know people who would be interested in learning about web components, just point them at the newly-updated tutorial.

A new release of Basic Web Components based on plain JavaScript component mixins

As discussed in this blog over the past few months, we’ve been plotting a strategy for creating web components using a library of plain JavaScript mixins instead of a monolithic component framework. We’ve just published a new 0.7 release of the basic-web-components project that represents a transition to this mixin strategy. So far, this approach appears to be working well, and meeting our expectations.

What’s changed?

  1. We’ve begun rewriting all our components in ES6. So far, we’ve rewritten the basic-autosize-textarea, basic-carousel, and basic-list-box components in ES6. We transpile the ES6 source to ES5 using Babel. Developers wanting to incorporate the components into ES6 applications can consume the original source, while devs working in ES5 can still easily incorporate these components into their applications.
  2. We have restructured the way we distribute these components to use npm 3 instead of Bower. The primary basic-web-components repository is now a monorepo: a single repository used to manage multiple packages separately registered with npm. This is much, much easier for us to maintain than our prior arrangement, in which Bower had forced us to maintain a constellation of separate repositories for our Bower packages. Using npm for web component distribution will likely bring its own challenges, but we’re confident the much larger npm community will address those issues over time.
  3. Because we are just using JavaScript now, component files can be included with regular script tags instead of HTML Imports. That erases any concerns about cross-browser support for HTML Imports, and generally simplifies including these web components in an existing application build process. For example, instead of requiring use of a specialized tool like Vulcanize, developers can incorporate Basic Web Components into their applications using more popular tools like Browserify and WebPack.
  4. We are now offering a library of web component JavaScript mixins. See this blog post for some background on that strategy. Mixins take the form of functions that can be applied to any component class without requiring a common runtime or framework. These mixins are collected in a new package, basic-component-mixins. See that package for details, including documentation our initial set of 25 web component mixins. We believe this arrangement will make it much easier for people to adopt key features of the Basic Web Components in their own components.

As we first noted when we first looked at using polymer-micro instead of full Polymer, there are some distinct downsides to moving away from full Polymer:

Overall, for our project, we think the advantages of writing in plain JavaScript outweight any disadvantages. We’re very happy to be able to write highly functional web components without having to use a monolithic framework and an accompanying required runtime. And so far, our mixin strategy is letting us maintain an elegant factoring of our component code, while avoiding the limitations of a single-inheritance class hierarchy.

That said, we think frameworks are certainly an appropriate tool for many teams. For certain projects, we enjoy working in frameworks such as Polymer and React. One of the tremendous advantages of web components is that they’re a standard. That lets us write our components in the way that makes most sense for us, while still allowing anyone to incorporate those components into applications written in other ways. In particular, Polymer remains the most active web component framework, so interop with Polymer is a critical feature for all our components. As a simple demonstration, we’ve posted a carousel-with-tabs example showing use of our basic-carousel component with Polymer’s paper-tabs component.

Implementing web component mixins as functions

In response to our last post on building components from a loose collection of mixins, a helpful commenter referred us to another mixin library he had released called mixwith.js. That library treats mixins more as a pattern than a thing. In that pattern, a mixin is simply a function that takes a base class and returns a subclass of that base class with the desired new features.

We were intrigued by this approach. As we’ve blogged about before, we’re really only interested in coding approaches that can be shared with other people. This functional approach would allow us to lower the barrier to adopting a given mixin. As much as we like the Composable class discussed in that earlier post, using mixins that way requires adoption of that class. It’s not quite a framework — it’s more of a kernel for a framework — but it’s still a bit of shared library code that must be included to use that style of mixin.

Here’s an example of a mixin class using that Composable approach. This creates a subclass of HTMLElement that incorporates a TemplateStamping mixin. That mixin will take care of stamping a `template` property into a Shadow DOM shadow tree in the element’s `createdCallback`.

import Composable from 'Composable'
import TemplateStamping from 'TemplateStamping';

class MyElement extends Composable.compose(HTMLElement, TemplateStamping) { get template() { return Hello, world.; } }

That’s pretty clean — but notice that we had to `import` two things: the Composable helper class, and the TemplateStamping mixin class.

The functional approach implements the mixin as a function that applies the desired functionality. The mixin is self-applying, so we don’t need a helper like Composable above. The example becomes:

import TemplateStamping from 'TemplateStamping';

class MyElement extends TemplateStamping(HTMLElement) { get template() { return Hello, world.; } }

That’s even cleaner. At this point, we don’t even really have a framework per se. Instead we have a convention for building components from mixin functions. The nice thing about that is that such a mixin could conceivably be used with custom elements created by other frameworks. Interoperability isn’t guaranteed, but the possibility exists.

We like this so much that we’ve changed out nascent core-component-mixins project to use mixin functions. Because there’s so little involved in adopting this sort of mixin, there’s a greater chance it will find use, even among projects that write (or claim to write) web components in plain javascript. Again, that should accelerate adoption.

The most significant cost we discussed in making this change is that a mixin author needs to write their mixin methods and properties to allow for composition with a base class. The Composable class had provided automatic composition of methods and properties along the prototype chain according to a set of rules. In a mixin function, that work needs to be done manually by the mixin author.

We’ve identified a series of composition rules that capture our thinking on how best to write a mixin function that can safely applied to arbitrary base classes. The rules are straightforward, but do need to be learned and applied. That said, only the authors of a mixin need to understand those, and that’s a relatively small set of people.

Most people will just need to know how to use a mixin — something that’s now as easy as calling a function.