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Front-loading user interaction before long operations

Apps often need to ask users questions during long operations like installation or file copying. Whenever possible, it’s good to front-load these questions whenever possible. It’s irritating to walk away from a process that the app says will take an hour, then come back an hour to discover the app’s only 5% done because it’s waiting for you to answer a simple Yes or No question.

I was reminded of this again during a hunt for a better file synchronization utility for Windows. For years I’ve used Second Copy by Centered Systems, which has been as a straightforward workhorse, but I thought I’d see what else is out there now.

As a rule, file synchronization tools have atrocious user interfaces. The people who really care about the fine points of synchronization or backup tend to focus on the technical challenges and ignore the greater challenge of presenting a simple user experience. These products typically have tabbed dialogs or wizards chock full of options that cover an enormous range of scenarios. Figuring out how to configure these options to get the product to do something basic often requires far more time than I’m willing to spend.

I’ve recently tried out a number of products, including ViceVersa by TGRMN Software. The UI in ViceVersa is only about average in terms of simplicity (in other words, not very simple), but they do offer an obvious and helpful mode that compares the contents of two file systems locations that are about to be synchronized. This lets you make sure you’ll get the results you want. I thought the comparison mode was a nice touch, and after reviewing the results of such a comparison, went ahead and initiated a sync.

The sync ran for many hours, and restarted so many progress bars that I lost count. Each phase of the sync process provided an estimate of how long that phase would take, but as far as I could determine, that estimate was meaningless because I had no idea how many other phases were yet to come or long those phases would take. Because the file sync was tying up two machines, I effectively had no idea when I would regain use of either of them.

This is all par for the course in utility program UIs, but what was particularly irritating was coming back to the PC the next morning to find a dialog asking me to confirm that a given file should be overridden. This was quite disappointing. The application had earlier performed an exhaustive comparison of the files to be synchronized—for the very purpose of letting me confirm that I wanted to copy or delete the files as indicated.

If the application wanted to draw my attention to some particularly questionable operations, it already had essentially all the information it would need to ask me all of those questions up front. As far as I could tell, there was virtually nothing that the product would find out later during the file sync process that it didn’t already know before the sync began. There could perhaps exist some cases where this wouldn’t be the case (e.g., arising from files that changed while the operation is in place), but even then the product should have been able to take some reasonable default course of action—confirmed in advance if necessary.

The general point here is: when designing UI to support a long operation, consider whether any questions could potentially arise during the operation, and strive to move those questions to the point before the operation begins in earnest. Specifically, let the user know when they should be able to walk away and come back to find the process complete.

I recall one UI like this that came up a long time ago in Microsoft’s first email product, Microsoft Mail. (Microsoft Mail, interestingly, was written for Macintosh computers and ran on AppleTalk networks.) During a certain operation, the product needed to have the user insert and remove a sequence of floppy disks. To its credit, the team took incredible pains to: a) order the disk insertions so as to minimize the number of times during the process that the user needed to remove one disk and insert another, and b) ensure that the longest disk operation took place last.

It’s likely that no user ever perceived these refinements to the process, but I’m sure that some significant number of users were nevertheless saved the irritation of returning to their desk to discover that their computer was stuck halfway through, awaiting their return.

Elegant Cropper utility for capturing screen shots

A helpful reader recently pointed me at the handy Cropper screen capture utility for Microsoft Windows.

One of the most time-consuming tasks in creating a post for this blog is capturing small images of UI examples. For certain jobs, Cropper lets me perform this task more quickly than other tools I’ve used. (SnagIt, for example, has grown somewhat ponderous for my needs.) Cropper’s alpha-blended overlay technique for marking the crop boundaries is elegant, and its keyboard support allows you to tweak the position and size of the captured image.

Lightweight in situ editing of page content

Sites adopting AJAX and other interactive techniques are increasingly giving users the ability to express preferences or change settings in situ, without having to navigate to a separate page just to change the way things work. This direction seems promising, but until standards emerge it’s also fraught with the potential to confuse users or simply get in the way.

The wiki vendor JotSpot, for example, allows a user to rename a page by hovering over the page title:

Jotspot_page_title   Jotspot_page_title_hover

An earlier generation of web sites required the user to travel to another page to make such an edit in the text box of a web form, then submit their changes. Here the interactivity is lightweight and allows for quicker changes.

In a similar vein, various web portals let the user personalize the look and content of their home page by directly interacting with page content. The customziable Google home page puts links in the corner of each blurb to customize the blurb’s size or remove the blurb entirely:


To my recollection, MSN was one of the first portals (if not the first) to offer lightweight editing on its own customizable home page. This interactivity is still there today, albeit with some heavy visuals and advertising:


The main issue with all such lightweight editing facilities is the possibility of interfering with the average user’s use of the product. If the user is just trying to read something, the editing controls can be distracting. At worse, they can throw the user into a mode that they didn’t want to be in—or into a mode they’re not even aware they’re in. The situation will improve as more conventions emerge for lightweight editing of page content, but until then it’s worth incorporating such interactivity cautiously.

Why not allow the user to rename an open file?

It’s odd that virtually all document editors still prevent the user from changing the name of the file they’re working on. This is a shame, because it’s a common user task.

A user may start writing a new document, save it under one name, and then as the document evolves come to realize that another name would be more appropriate. There’s usually no good way to do this inside the application, so they struggle through workarounds like saving the file under a new name and then digging around in the file system to delete the file with the old name. The operating system usually doesn’t offer much help either:

The main reason most applications don’t support this is because most platforms don’t make it easy—and the main reason platforms don’t make this easy is because most applications don’t think they need to support the feature. Alan Cooper vented about this problem in About Face, and it’s still a widespread problem today.

There are a few applications enlightened enough to let you rename an open file. Microsoft Visual Studio, for example, handles this without complaint. Interestingly, Microsoft Word used to support this—but only in the Macintosh version years ago, before its user interface was realigned for consistency with the Windows version.

It’s almost impossible to get problems like this fixed in an application, let alone the operating system. Unless customers complain about this, no one wants to tackle the problem—and by now most people have grown too used to working around the problem.

Google Local for Mobile: bellwether Java cell phone applet

The new Google Local for Mobile is a compelling little demonstration of what a Java cell phone applet can do. It’s carefully tuned to the constraints of cell phone hardware, uses the network well, and makes good use of the graphic display and local caching.

Google Local for Mobile

The installation process was much easier than I’d expected. Google’s site does a good job helping you figure out whether your phone will actually run their applet, which is nice and presumably reduces customer disappointment. The site directs you to a web page to open on your phone, and offers to SMS you the URL to save you the trouble of typing it in. The resulting web page sniffs your browser to determine which download you need, so you only have to make a few clicks to download and install the applet.

In my case, I had to put up with some very clunky Java applet management UI produced by the local cell phone OS (controlled by my phone manufacturer, not Google). For example, the phone asked me to confirm that I wanted to install a “MIDlet”, whatever the heck that is. I expect most cell phone manufacturers outsource the utility UI like this to the cheapest bidder, with predictably poor results.

The Google Local applet itself is simple but quite polished for a phone app. It feels a lot like Google Maps. The keyboard UI for zooming in and out took some getting used to. You can read a complete description in the Google Local tour. The UI suffers from the fact that the key to zoom in (the OK button, or the center of the directional pad) is otherwise unrelated to the key you press to zoom out (a mappable button that labeled here as "Zoom -"). This is a reasonable trade-off given the small keyset available on a phone, but nonetheless the lack of conceptual connection between the buttons makes it hard to learn their relationship. It’s also confusing to see the zoom out command clearly labeled, when what every user will need to do first is zoom in. The applet does offer a quick tip on how to zoom.

The zoom UI also has the unusual behavior that setting the zoom level doesn’t take effect immediately—you can zoom in or out multiple levels, then wait a second for the new zoom level to kick in. Again, this is a reasonable trade-off given the bandwidth on a phone, but again this is confusing for the new user. Now that I know how zooming works, I think it’s elegant, but I expect a significant number of users will be completely confused and give up on the applet after a few minutes of failing to successfully zoom around.

Other small points: I was disappointed that Google’s address lookup couldn’t find my house. I was also disappointed that Google Local couldn’t show me my approximate location on the map based on info from the cell towers. Finally, at one point when I switched away from Google Local and then launched it again, Google Local lost track of the previous map view. It reset the map back to a high-level country view, forcing me to laboriously re-zoom down to my local area.

The weakest part of the whole experience in my opinion is that it’s hard to get back into to the Google Local applet once you’ve left it. This isn’t really Google’s fault. On my phone (and probably most other phones), Java applets don’t get their own top-level entry point in the main menu, nor is there an option to create such an entry point. I have to navigate to a special Java area first, then launch the Google Local app from there. For me, the entire navigation sequence in six clicks long, and requires two clicks that are essentially random (i.e., the UI element doesn’t suggest that clicking it will lead you closer to a mapping application). The top-level Java area eventually did show up as a shortcut on a top-level MRU (Most Recently Used) list, which cut out a few clicks, but that shortcut will age off the MRU list if I don’t keep using it.

I’ll bet that a big chunk of people who download Google Local won’t be able to find the applet after the first time they run it, so this single issue of finding the app’s entry point could be a critical weakness. Convincing cell phone OS designers to make it easier to launch Java applets is a chicken-and-egg problem: OS designers won’t do this until there are more interesting applets like Google Local for Mobile, and app ISVs won’t create a significant body of interesting cell phone applets unless they can be sure users can quickly and easily run them.

Nevertheless, my overall reaction to this applet is quite positive. Google Local for Mobile may become a bellwether entry in the mobile app space, in much the same way Google Maps broke ground for highly interactive AJAX apps. This is the first non-game Java app I’ve seen that’s worth downloading. If you have a Java-capable phone, it’s worth checking out.

Letting a user specify a preference using an example

I recently came across an elegant demonstration for getting the user to specify a preference by offering examples to choose from. This technique is often done with visual settings (e.g., letting a user select a template for a document by clicking on sample template thumbnails), but in this case, the technique was applied in letting a user specify a simple textual setting for a date format.

I’ve been looking at some web sites that help manage To Do lists, including tadalists.com, rememberthemilk.com, and mypimp.com. (Where do they get these names? The latter could adopt the slogan, "We think having a borderline offensive name is so funny it’s worth giving up market share!") All these sites strive to be as interactive as possible, and to some extent they each struggle with the absence of conventions for entering data on highly interactive web pages. This has produced some interesting and creative UI experiments, some of which succeed.

One bit of creativity (albeit in a non-interactive area) shows up in the account setup page for rememberthemilk.com:


It’s the last line that caught my attention. The label for the radio buttons doesn’t even say what you’re picking (preferred date format), but it’s obvious what you’re supposed to do: pick the sample that shows the date the way you like it. What’s particularly interesting is that this trick capitalizes on a person’s ability to recognize patterns at a subconscious level. I live in a country where the month comes before the date, so the first option ("14/02/05") looks like a jumble of numbers to me, while the second option ("02/14/05") leaps off the page as a valid date. Presumably people who live in date-first countries have the opposite reaction.

It may turn out that this trick only works in narrowly constrained circumstances; perhaps it would stop working, for example, if they needed to support a broader range of date formats. Nevertheless, it’s impressive that rememberthemilk is able to ask for something as mundane as a date format in a manner consistent with the site’s overall casual visual and textual tone.

Avoiding unnecessary questions in command UI

A European acquaintance once remarked that when they go to an American restaurant, they feel like they’re "under assault" by the waitstaff: placing an order requires answering a long series of questions—"Soup or salad? Italian dressing or Ranch? Lite Italian or Regular Italian?"—and the waitstaff continues to interrupt them every ten minutes to ask yet more questions. Some user interfaces can feel like this.

In particular, some applications have commands with UIs that ask too many questions before the application will actually carry out the command. If you try to insert a new page into a Microsoft Visio document, you get a form to fill out:


What you really wanted was a new page, not a form to fill out. The difference between ordering a salad and inserting a new page is that the restaurant has to get things right the first time. Once you get the salad, you can’t change your mind and have them turn the salad into a soup (or, at least, not a very good soup).

An application, in contrast, can adjust its output after the fact. Good UIs often eliminate unnecessary up-front questions by doing something in response to a command and letting you tweak the results if they’re not what you wanted.

A common example: when you create a new folder in virtually all modern operating systems, you get a new folder right away. The new folder is called something like "New Folder". You don’t get a question asking you what kind of folder you want, what sort of name you’d like to give it, etc. For this UI to be effective, the OS simply needs to make it easy for you to rename the new folder once it’s been created.

Another example comes from Microsoft Office. In old versions of Office, if you wanted to paste something from the clipboard that could be pasted in multiple ways, you had to use an ugly and confusing Paste Special dialog:


Recent releases of Microsoft Office have deprecated this dialog in favor of a contextual pop-up menu that appears after commands like Paste. If you don’t like the result of the command, you simply select another result from the pop-up menu:


Advances like these obviate the need for an application to bug the user with lots of questions. Other suggestions for streamlining command UI:

Remember to set AutoMessWithYourHead to false

There’s nothing quite like the frustration of trying to keep an application from helping you. I spent a good chunk of the past weekend trying to figure out why a UI package was displaying controls at random sizes.

I’m working a Windows client application that’s built on the .NET platform, with the UI built in Windows Forms. We recently moved from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0, and I’ve generally been impressed by the wealth of new UI facilities. In particular, most controls can now auto-size to a reasonable size (finally!), and the new TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel go a long way towards building scalable UI in a structured way through the visual designer without having to hand-code a bunch of layout logic.

The new platform is not without its faults, however, as I discovered when some custom controls mysteriously changed sizes. I’d create a control with a bunch of auto-sized elements and nested layout panels, and in the designer everything would look perfect. I’d build the project, drop the control on to a form, and the control would look almost right—but the size would be off by some small, random amount. No amount of inspection could determine why this was happening, nor could any amount of groveling through the docs.

It turns out that Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 offers yet another attempt to help ISVs build UIs that scale with respect to the user’s preferred system font. Scaling UI to assist users who, for example, prefer large fonts is in principle a great thing. Changing the development paradigm for coping with this problem in a new product release is not so great.

VS 2005 does so through a new form property called AutoScaleMode, although perhaps a more appropriate name for this property might be AutoMessWithYourHead. Its default value is true. The true value means that Windows Forms will try to scale your UI with regard to the system font—although it won’t tell you it’s doing this.

Now that I know what the $#*@% is going on, I can understand why Microsoft changed this behavior, and it’s at least nice to see them trying to fix this. The underlying problem is that a modern, complex UI layout package is essentially a pretty face on top of a recalc engine. As the Microsoft Excel team learned years ago, in a complex spreadsheet it can be near impossible to track down why a particular cell value is ending up with the value it does. To address this very problem, Excel offers a tool that let you visually trace the origins of any calc.

In the same light, it would be enormously valuable for WYSIWYG HTML editors or a client UI designers to offer some way to point to a visible element and ask, "Why is this thing ending up with the position and size that it has?"

BBOP: the ubiquitous yet under-examined UI model

Modern software includes a large and growing class of UIs that in my opinion has received insufficient formal recognition. UIs in this class share many traits and are distinctly different from the WIMP UIs of the 1980s and 90s. The WIMP acronym summarizes the hallmarks of that UI paradigm: WIndows, Icons, Menus, and a Pointer (usually a mouse pointer). I’ve noticed that I now spend more and more of my time on UIs that have neither windows, nor icons, nor a menu bar, nor a pointer. These clearly aren’t WIMP interfaces, so what are they?

Consider the following:

Microsoft Windows Media Center Edition

JetBlue check-in kiosk (designed by Antenna Design)

Typical cell phone screen

These UIs cross a diverse range of devices and environments. The first UI is for a media hub that is designed to be displayed on a widescreen TV, viewed from across a room, and navigated with an IR remote control. The second is for a kiosk for checking in at airports. Here the display is of average size, but the UI is negotiated with a touch screen. The third screen comes from a cell phone. This UI is optimized for a small display size, and is navigated with a directional pad.

Despite their different origins and contexts, such UIs nevertheless share many traits. Instead of multiple overlapping windows, the UIs show a single page at a time that consumes the entire display surface. The user navigates between pages in the style of a web browser, and can usually navigate backwards via a Back button. A page almost always presents a single task at a time for the user to focus on. Often (but not always) the task is stated directly on the page. Text, not icons, is generally used to guide the user. (If they’re present at all, the icons play mostly a decorative role.) There are menus, but not the dropdown sort of menu found in a WIMP UI. Instead, these menus are lists of buttons that sit directly on the page at all times. In fact, buttons are by far the most common control found in such UIs.

Finally, there is no free-form pointer, or at least no dependency on one. You could argue that your fingertip is the pointer in a touch screen UI, but in practice a well-done touch UI feels completely different to me than a mouse-driven one. (E.g., in a touch UI, your finger clicks big fat buttons, with none of the dragging, double-clicking, or right-clicking that pervade WIMP UIs.) Many of these UIs dispense with a free-form pointer entirely. Instead, the user drives a keyboard focus around the screen (usually with a directional pad of arrow buttons) and presses a commit button like OK to invoke the targeted action.

The commonalities between such UIs are driven by a higher-level fact: they are meant to help users accomplish very specific tasks immediately, without any training or up-front learning whatsoever. People generally use them in a transient way—they get in, do what they need to do (pick a TV show, check in for a flight, make a call), then get out. Users generally don’t spend more than a few minutes at a time interacting with the UI proper. Even an SMS-crazy teen doesn’t live all day inside the phone’s UI the way some people live inside WIMP environments like Microsoft Excel or Adobe After Effects.

UIs like the ones above form an important class of UI, yet this class seems to have received little or no formal recognition. I don’t think there’s even a commonly-accepted term for this paradigm. To facilitate discussions with my colleagues, I coined the acronym BBOP ("bebop") to refer to such user interfaces. In the spirit of WIMP, the term BBOP summarizes the paradigm’s hallmarks:

Buttons (as the predominant control type)
Back stack (as a organizing principle for navigation)
One Task (one task at a time, often explicitly stated)
Page-based (a single page consumes the entire visible screen area)

Once we had a term for this, we began recognizing BBOP UIs in more and more places: DVD players, in-car navigation systems, iPods, and so on. I’m personally hoping to see more discussion and analysis of BBOP UIs (or whatever they end up being called) in the future. Even more, I’m hoping to see better support in UI platforms for creating them.

The fractal nature of UI design problems

Getting UI right requires obsessive attention to detail, particularly if you’re building on a platform that doesn’t provide substantial help for common UI patterns. I’ve recently been designing and implementing a minor feature in a Windows client application, and can’t believe how long it’s taking to get this feature right. The feature? Remembering the position of an application window across sessions.

Users like applications that remember the state and position of windows across application sessions. They can pick a window arrangement they like, close the app whenever they want, and next time have everything just the way they like it. In the case of the Microsoft Windows APIs (both Win32 and .NET), the platform doesn’t provide any built-in support for remembering window position. The platform documentation blithely tells you to do this work yourself, and sort of implies it won’t be very hard. Hah.

Here’s what the learning curve looks like during a sequence of design/implement/test iterations:

  1. Designer: This feature is easy to deliver: when the user closes the window, we’ll save the window’s current state (on Windows, this is either maximized, minimized, or normal) and the window’s current position.

    User: Huh. This kind of works, but if I close the application while the window is minimized (sometimes this happens if I log off while I’ve got a bunch of apps minimized), the next time I start the application, the app comes up minimized. That’s dumb.

  2. Designer: Okay, we’ll only save the window state and position if the window’s maximized or normal.

    User: That’s better, but sometimes it still doesn’t do the right thing. If I position the window, then minimize it, then close it, the app doesn’t remember my window position.

  3. Designer: That’s easy to fix: we’ll always save the window position, but we’ll only save the window state if the window is normal or maximized.

    User: This doesn’t work.

  4. Designer: Ugh. It appears that, if a window is minimized, it’s "window position" data is essentially junk, and not the window’s last meaningful position like we’d expected. To fix this, whenever the user positions the window in its normal state, we’ll remember that position as the user’s preferred position for the window. Then, when the user closes the window, we save this preferred position (not the current position, which could be junk). Additionally, if the window is maximized or normal, we save the window state too.

    User: Not bad! This seems to work most of the time. How about this, though: I position the window where I want it, then maximize it, then minimize it, then close it. The next time I open the app, the window is in the normal state—not the maximized state the I last saw it in. That’s odd.

  5. Designer: You are one tough customer. Fine: whenever the user puts the window into the normal or maximized state, we’ll remember this as the preferred state. Then, when the user closes the window, we save this preferred state (regardless of what state the window is currently in). Satisifed?

    User: Not by a long shot. You see, I have a laptop. I’ve also got this external monitor on my desk—a monitor whose dimensions are different than those of the laptop’s built-in screen. If I close the application when the laptop is docked, then reopen the application when the laptop is undocked, the application tries to come up in a position that no longer makes sense. Sometimes I can’t even get to the window with the mouse because the window comes up off-screen.

  6. Designer: Crap. Okay, whenever we’re recording the user’s preferred position for the window, we’ll also save the current dimensions of the monitor itself. Then, if the app is opening and the monitor’s dimensions have changed, we’ll do our best to interpolate a meaningful position for the window in the new monitor dimensions.

    User: This helps a bit, but it’s not perfect. Each time I move between the docked and undocked state, the window position shifts a bit. I really want the window to be one size when I’m undocked, and a different size when I’m docked.

  7. Designer: Urg. To do this right, we’ll have to save a window’s position in a list that stores a monitor’s size and the user’s preferred size for the window whenever the window is opened on a monitor of that size. Over time, this list will grow to encompass all monitor sizes the user likes to use, and their preferred window size for each of these monitor sizes. Satisfied now?

    User: Mostly. Did I mention I recently bought a high DPI monitor? I was thinking that your window size interpolation routine should take into account physical screen inches instead of assuming a fixed pixel size…

  8. Designer: Please, please go away.

And so it goes.  Since the OS doesn’t provide any help, every ISV rolls their own solution for this, with the unsurprising result that they all stumble in different ways at some point along this path. Most seem get to step three or so. (Internet Explorer 7.x, for example, has the bug described by the user after step four.) If someone were willing to bake support for saving window state into Windows, the work would be leveraged across enough apps that it’d be worth the time to implement a deep solution. Even then, there’d still be room for improvement.

There is no magical point where perfection is reached. Good design is a fractally hard problem: the more closely you focus on any given feature, the more rough edges you find to polish. The only sane approach is to iterate in an area until you’ve produced a solid user experience for a substantial portion of the cases you care about, then move on.

My complication had a complication


Ironic, isn’t it? Microsoft Outlook hung this morning, and when Microsoft Application Error Reporting tried to report the error, that hung too. I suppose I should be grateful that the above dialog didn’t hang as well.

LCDs recreating old physical controls (whether or not that makes sense)

As LCD prices comes down, we can look forward to seeing small LCDs appear on every device or appliance we own. During this transition, manufacturers are likely to replace physical device controls with an on-screen UI that exactly duplicates the old physical controls, sparing them the real labor of thinking.

Consider the LCDs showing up in cars. My Toyota Prius is a great little car, but its LCD is the weak point of the car’s design. Most of the time, the LCD displays a power transmission diagram that lets you know when you’re using the battery in some way. During a test drive, this diagram serves the useful function of giving the salesperson something to point at, because otherwise it’s hard for them to prove to you that you’re in a hybrid car. After the first week of actually owning the car, the power transmission diagram is mostly pointless.

The Prius designers did come up with some other uses for this LCD, using it to replace a random subset of controls that used to take the form of physical hardware buttons and knobs. For example, the LCD controls most—but not all!—of the radio functions. The Prius designers have carefully preserved many of the limitations of the old controls, particularly the hardware radio preset buttons (the original "radio buttons" in user interfaces):


You can only see six radio preset buttons on the screen at a time, most likely because earlier Toyota cars had six hardware preset buttons. These preset buttons are tiny compared to the overall screen size. I can only assume that the designers were influenced by the physical dimensions of the old hardware buttons, and mirrored those old sizes on the new screen—even if the new screen isn’t subject to any of the physical constraints that governed the old buttons. The designers also seemed to believe it was important that all buttons be about the same size, even if some buttons could benefit from longer, self-explanatory labels.

The tiny buttons on screen are actually less easy to use that the old physical buttons that you could feel with one hand while keeping your eyes on the road. The tiny on-screen button size does add a spark of excitement to the driving experience, seeing as how each time you have to look down at the screen to stab at the buttons, you risk smashing into the car in front of you.

What could the designers have done instead? They could have made the radio present buttons bigger, but that would all be small potatoes. They really should have thrown out the old model completely and started over by considering their users’ basic radio listening needs and the physical nature of an LCD screen.

Years ago I saw a demonstration of a bank ATM UI that had been completely redesigned from the ground up to meet the needs of the bank’s blind customers. (If I recall, it was designed by Chase in New York City.) The bank’s design team recognized that the easiest regions to find by feel alone are the four corners of the screen. They created a UI in which every page had four huge buttons that each took up a full quadrant of the screen. The buttons ran all the way to the edge, because that made it easier for the user to be sure they were pressing something. (The Prius designers studiously keep all their buttons away from the edge of the screen. It probably looks better that way in a graphics editor on a computer screen in the design team’s office.)

Perhaps this bank ATM UI could inspire better on-screen UI for car LCDs, making it easier to change stations without risking death. There are surely many other factors at play here (I’m no car designer), but the point remains that there are many ways to take better advantage of a graphical interface than simply duplicating the old way things were done before in hardware.

As LCD prices drop to the point where they approach the cost of physical hardware buttons, LCDs will crop up absolutely everywhere. Some manufacturers will get this transition right, but most probably won’t, at least the first time. It’s a virtual certainty someone will end up making a toaster with a tiny touch screen showing a picture of knob from "Light" to "Dark".

Vista UX details starting to arrive

As part of Microsoft’s Professional Developers Conference 2005, the company has released more information on how to design user experiences for Windows Vista. I was the UX architect on Vista for a number of years, so it’s good to see this information finally starting to coming into the light of day.

(As it turns out, Microsoft has created a remarkably poor user experience for reading their guidelines on user experience. You have to go to a section on Microsoft’s MSDN developers site for the Windows Vista UX Guidelines. You need to go through some Windows verification foolishness, although I’m baffled why it matters what platform you’re using to read the guidelines. You then need to download a ZIP file. This ZIP file turns out to contain… wait for it… a copy of a web site that describes how to design good user experiences. Oh, the irony. The byzantine reasons behind Microsoft’s web site production process are not worth delving into. Let’s just say I’m glad I now work at a tiny startup.)

Some of the Vista work I’m most excited to see deals with an effort to bring clarity to muddled dialog boxes and wizard pages. Vista offers OS support for a new "task dialog" style. This style—and the accompanying guidelines—call out a dialog’s main question or instruction as a single sentence in clear, natural language. (The blurry example JPEG images below come straight from the guidelines; too bad they didn’t offer lossless PNGs.)


This same task style is reflected in the new standard wizard template:


This wizard style is, in fact, an operating system feature designed specifically to make every piece of text count. Gone are the big pointless graphics that took up a third of the page, and a single piece of instruction text replaces the old stack of redundant headings. Hallelujah. It’s gratifying to see the evolution of direct OS support for the inductive UI style I developed way back in the late 90s for Microsoft Money.

Some Vista UX guidelines are specific to Vista development, but many of them make just as much sense for products that ship on Windows XP, OS/X, or Linux. Worth a look.

Media Center nicely blends data sources to create album list

Microsoft Windows Media Center Edition contains a UI nugget worth a close look: the My Music area’s list of albums includes any CD that happens to be in the drive:


This sort of thing looks obvious after the fact, but consider the fact that the list is blending data from two completely different sources: 1) Media Player’s local music database, and 2) whatever CD happens to be inserted in the drive. All actions in the UI work essentially the same regardless of what kind of item is selected (with the difference that a CD can be ripped).

Faced with this design problem, most teams would have created a UI that directly reflected the underlying data model. This would force the user to deal with two distinct UI elements: one area for the the albums already in the database, and a separate area for the local CD drives. (This is, in fact, what Windows Media Player does.)

The Media Center team did a bunch of work to let the user work at the right level of abstraction: everything in the list is an album, regardless of whether it’s ripped yet or not. This sort of thing doesn’t come up every day, but it’s worth thinking about whether your own application could benefit by adopting this nice trick.

Google Earth: Drop-dead gorgeous satellite photo rendering with clunky visuals

My favorite app of the past year has been the satellite imaging client Google Earth. Much of this product’s design is absolutely state of the art, but the fact that they’ve done such a good job in the core UI makes some really clunky parts stand out.

If you haven’t tried Google Earth yet, you owe it to yourself to stop what you’re doing and download their free version. While you’re downloading, here’s the summary: they give you a 3D model of the Earth that you can spin and tilt freely, zooming in to incredibly detailed images of your own city—and (if you live in a big city) your own house. The main window looks like this:

I first tried Google Earth when it was an independent product called Keyhole. The core user experience remains the same: a set of navigation controls let you manipulate the virtual globe and camera. Given the complexity of doing anything in 3D, I think they’ve done a reasonable job. Most of the magic in the user experience comes from what happens under the covers: the high performance incremental downloading and caching of huge images that all happens in the background, with exactly the right degree of progress feedback in the UI.

Since Google acquired Keyhole and rebranded it as Google Earth, they’ve tweaked the UI a bit. Most noticeable is an attempt to give the product some Google branding. Google’s visual branding strategy appears to consist of randomly selecting user interface elements and coloring them pure red, blue, yellow, or green. You can be the judge of whether the above screen shot really says "Google" to you. In my mind, this UI is dominated by the rendered globe, and the arbitrary splashes of bright color elsewhere in the UI offer little more than distraction.

What’s really striking are the parts of the UI that have remained completely untouched. Just before the product shows you a magnificent, full-motion, high resolution magic 3D globe of the whole darn planet, you see… a gray dialog box:

I’m a believer in trying to establish positive emotion from the point of first contact, and dialogs like this don’t help. This would be a lame dialog in any product, but it’s particularly odd to see something like this—something that clearly no one has spent any time on since the day the dev first coded it—followed immediately by one of the coolest visual experiences available in any product on any platform. What’s even odder is that the above status dialog appears in the startup sequence after a rather attractive splash screen. To cap it off, the dialog is pointless: the status text doesn’t communicate any information that’s meaningful to the user beyond the fact that the app is starting up—precisely the fact communicated by the splash screen that precedes this dialog.

Anyway, the fact remains that Google Earth is such a draw-droppingly cool product that the clunky parts don’t spoil an amazing user experience. Now that Google Earth has finished downloading, go take the next two hours off from work looking at every place you’ve ever lived.

How big is a big download these days?

I’ve noticed that a previously answered question has recently become open again: where does a typical user place their threshold for a download that’s too big?

Companies that distribute client software via a web download used to agonize over how to reduce their download size in order to encourage adoption. Browser developers in particular used to crow about how their download was smaller than their competitors. This was a big deal in the days of dialup. If I recall, a rule of thumb in the mid 90s held that each 1MB of download would take 10 minutes over a typical dialup connection of that period. Worse, dialup connections could easily fail, forcing the user to sit through the long download again. A user who had to devote an hour of their life to babysit your 6MB download was quite cautious about clicking the "Download Now" button. The user was also concerned about how much disk space your product would ultimately eat up was everything was installed.

The relevant factors have changed significantly: many users have broadband connections, download managers exist to cope with flaky connections, and hard drive space is easy enough to come by. Many companies now seem to pay scant attention to their download size, so I can only assume many users don’t care either. Download Adobe’s Reader product (a business requirement these days) and you’ll see a lightning quick 500K download… of Adobe’s Download Manager, which then brings down another 80MB or so of software—including some other Adobe products slipped in for good measure.

One reason this question is interesting to client software designers is that there are some pretty interesting client runtimes coming down the pike that open up some great UI possibilities at the expense of download and install size. The forthcoming .NET Framework version 2.0 package is 22MB. The Windows Presentation Foundation ("Avalon") or Windows Communcation Foundation ("Indigo") add more on top of that. If you’re building a product that itself already depends on broadband use, does the download size of your client even matter at all? If anyone has actual, recent data (not anecdotal experiences) on how todays user’s react to download size, I’m interested in hearing it.

The tyranny of 1 or N

UIs support working with one thing at a time, or with a potentially infinite list of N things, but rarely for dealing with a small fixed number of things. This is too bad—there are some cases where supporting a small fixed set leads to a simpler user experience.

Consider the typical example of a list in this Windows XP Control Panel:


Let’s see… How many modems do you think the typical PC has? I have no idea, but I’m guessing the numbers are something like: 70% of PCs have no modem, 29% have 1 modem, and 1% have a number of modems between 2 and 4.

You couldn’t guess this from the UI above, though. The UI makes it look like it’s common for a PC to have dozens of modems. The list box alone is tall enough to show about 13 modems comfortably before it needs to scroll. Who has 13 modems?

The product development process that produces a UI like the one usually goes like this. A designer builds a UI to edit settings for one modem, since that’s the common case. This UI includes a collection of edit controls like dropdown lists for things like modem speed, duplex handing, etc. A tester on the team complains because they’ve got a machine that has two modems, so the designer is told they need to support two modems. The designer discusses this with the developer, who says that they don’t want to have duplicate the whole set of edit controls to support settings for two modems: copying the controls is a pain, and besides, the code gets ugly. To a developer, the only numbers that make sense for UIs are 1 and N. If you don’t want a UI to edit one thing, then put in a list box that lets you edit an essentially infinite number of things. You’ve not only solved the problem of the person with two modems, you’ve covered every conceivable configuration ever. Problem solved.

This is weak thinking. The team may discover a significant new problem on their hands: the vast majority of users who come to this UI to set up their one and only modem must now first go through an extra, non-obvious step. The user comes into the dialog to find a big empty white rectangle, with most of the controls disabled, and it’s not clear at all that the thing they need to do is click the "Add…" button.

It takes guts to hardcode a UI to deal with a fixed number of things that covers 99% of your scenarios. One group of designers who consistently do this right are people who design cellphones. List management on a cellphone is a pain, so whenever they can, the designers give you a fixed list of things. My cellphone lets me switch between different "profiles" by selecting from a fixed list of exactly eight items: normal, silent, meeting, outdoor, automatic, headset, car, speakerphone. I can’t add another profile, but that’s fine—I can’t imagine what else I’d need to create another profile for, and in any event I could always repurpose an existing profiles that I don’t use.

There are certainly many cases when a list box is appropriate, but if virtually all of your users will only need to work with a small handful of things, consider optimizing the UI for a small fixed set.

Make every piece of text count

Avoid the trap of letting a design template make you write redundant text. Consider the instructions in this wizard page from Windows XP:

Wow! Depending on how you count, this page tells the user the same thing at least twice, maybe even three or four times. (If you just had the label "Companies" above a list box, the user could probably guess that they were supposed to select a company from the list.)

Why does a UI end up with so much redundant text? Part of the problem can lie with the template used to create the UI. The Windows wizard template used for the above dialog includes the ability to easily add a subheading below the main heading. The person writing text for the page ends up feeling compelled to fill this out, even if the subheading adds no information of value to the user. (The user could probably assume that the photo companies print high-quality photos – although that didn’t stop Shutterfly from adding its own redundant text on that point.)

One problem with this template is that it puts the headings on a separate visual surface than the main page content (the list box). Suppose we decided to drop all the unnecessary text and stick with a single instruction. The template forces a result like this:

The top of the dialog now feels somewhat unbalanced. Worse, the instruction feels separated from the list box that the instructions refer to. Looking at this, you might see why someone felt compelled to add a subheading for balance, and then some more text to the main content area where it could sit directly next to the list box.

Fixing this requires jettisoning the template altogether. If we put the instruction on the same visual surface as the list box (and lose the rather unhelpful icon in the upper right), we end up with:

There’s more visual design work that could be done here, but this is a big step in the right direction.

We see so much redundant text in UIs that we can become inured to the clutter. Pare back your text to what is essential. If you find yourself writing text that adds no value, step back and consider whether your template is part of the problem.

Situation normal, all fouled up

Sometimes an application treats a situation as an error when the situation is, in fact, completely normal.

For a good example of a poor user experience, consider Microsoft Outlook’s support for the IMAP mail protocol. The vast majority of consumers use the POP protocol to get email at home, which generally forces them to keep all their mail on one machine at home. IMAP, in contrast, lets you keep all your email on the server, where you can get to it from work, home and on the road. Most email clients – including those found on cell phones – support IMAP. Upon hearing of these wonders, most people will ask why IMAP isn’t used more often.

While large portions of Microsoft Outlook are very well designed, there’s no escaping the fact that the Office team cares first and foremost about the enterprise market. Large enterprises have more money than you do. They use Exchange, and Outlook’s support for Exchange is fantastic.

People who use Outlook outside of an enterprise struggle along with support for POP mail that hasn’t improved appreciably in years. While POP isn’t great, at least Outlook’s POP driver is reasonably solid. Outlook’s IMAP driver, on the other hand, appears to have been left for dead in the jungle, where it was raised by apes.

Among its many deficiencies, the driver can’t properly cope if you use two different machines (say, at home and at the office) to check your email. This scenario is one of the reasons for IMAP’s existence, and most IMAP clients handle this situation gracefully: if they see another client is checking the mailbox, they wait for a while then try again. If you try to use Outlook this way, however, the IMAP driver throws up the following error:

Your IMAP server has closed the connection. This may occur if you have left the connection idle for too long.

Not only is this message a poor indication of what’s actually going on, Outlook displays this message every few minutes until you shut down one of the two Outlook clients trying to reach the mailbox. Outlook even displays this dialog even if Outlook is already displaying another instance of the same dialog. This is insane. I can come home from a day of work and see, literally, a hundred of such errors sitting on the screen.

Somewhere, deep down in the IMAP driver, there’s probably a core function that checks for new mail. It’s a sure bet that if this function is unable to check for new mail – if, say, another email client is already checking the same mailbox – this function returns an error. The function does this not because there’s anything really wrong, but because the function doesn’t have any other way of communicating what’s going on. The developer who wrote the calling function assumed that any error result is a real error, so they wrote the calling function to punt things off to a general purpose error handler that displays a generic error message. The limited forms of expression in code have completely warped the top-level user experience.

That explains why the error dialog got into the product, but why did it stay? Clearly the simplest reason is that none of Outlook’s developers use the product’s IMAP driver themselves. The above error is exactly the kind of thing a developer will kill in five minutes if it’s in the way of them doing their own work. It’s reasonable to assume that the reason no Outlook developers use IMAP is because they rely primarily on Microsoft-supplied Exchange accounts for email at work. The rest of the world suffers at home because of this.

I use so many of Outlook’s PIM features that I could never go back to a pure email client, but if all you need is mail, I’d encourage you to try Mozilla Thunderbird, which has excellent IMAP support.

Outlook's clever modeless delivery of useful info

Microsoft Outlook, a dyed-in-the-wool client app, makes very effective use of a certain UI technique that comes up more often on web sites: whenever Outlook has additional information to communicate to the user, it does so in a modeless way by making room for the information in the window the user is working in.

For example, if you’re scheduling an appointment over a time interval that contains other appointments, Outlook lets you know in a status area near the top of the main appointment window:


The "Conflicts with another appointment" message works so well because the information, which is clearly salient to the current situation, is delivered in a modeless way. A less thoughtfully designed client app would pop up a modal dialog to communicate the same information, getting in the way of the user and forcing them to dismiss the dialog before they could fix the problem.

That web sites handle feedback modelessly is taken for granted. Virtually all feedback regarding field validation in a web form is dealt with this way, typically as red text adjacent to the fields that require re-entry. A Win32 application like Outlook has to do more work than a web site to achieve the same effect, because Win32’s facilities for layout are so primitive that the designers and developers have to handle all the layout themselves. Nevertheless, this isn’t rocket science, and the technique is so useful that more app designers should consider adopting it.

Positive emotion from the point of first contact

An application can engender positive or negative emotions in its users at the very earliest point of contact. When interacting with an operating system, the earliest point of contact is often the logon UI. The way an OS treats logon UI can easily establish a good or bad impression in the user’s mind.

A long time ago, if you typed an incorrect password into a Windows logon dialog, you’d get something like this:


Windows is clearly treating the situation as an error and, moreover, it clearly thinks the error is the user’s fault. Later iterations of the OS soften this message somewhat. By Windows 2000, the message changes to:

The system could not log you on. Make sure your User name and pasword are correct, then type your password again. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case.

This is a big improvement (not sure why User is capitalized, though), but the tone is still stiff and a tad patronizing. By Windows XP’s Home edition, things become much more conversational:

Did you forget your password?
Please type your password again.
Be sure to use the right uppercase and lowercase letters.

This is pretty good, and it’s hard to think of how to make this message much friendlier. Apple manages to, though, in its OS/X logon dialog. Apple’s solution deftly finesses the situation by avoiding the error message altogether.


If you don’t enter the right password, the dialog literally shakes back and forth and the password field is cleared. A couple of years ago when a colleague showed this to me, I laughed out loud. The dialog is clearly shaking its head to say, "Nope!", and just as clearly letting the user know they have to try again. It does this all in a humorous way that engenders a positive emotion in the user and without having to play verbal games to avoid assigning blame.

Error message o' the week

I’ve been using del.icio.us for a while to search for things, and finally got around to registering so I could tag things myself. I tried to create an account with an "@" sign in the user name, and the site produced the following message:

you can’t use silly characters in your username

The inscrutable purpose of Mac controls

I just got a new Mac for the first time in ages. I was a complete Mac fanatic at the dawn of the Macintosh age, but eventually moved over to Windows since that’s where the action was. I’ve taken a look at OS/X numerous times, but playing around with a product for a short while isn’t the same thing as sitting down and really trying to use it to get something done.

I’m constantly struck by how little effort OS/X Tiger expends in bothering to explain the purpose of controls. Most of the bundled apps include their own collection of beautifully rendered little widgets whose purpose is often difficult to discern. My favorite example is the little glass bead found in the upper right corner of numerous windows for expanding and collapsing the toolbar and sidebar:


The glass bead in the upper right corner surely represents some sort of high water mark for obscurity. No text or icon to detract from the purity of the lovingly rendered glass! Maybe hovering the mouse over it produces a little tip window? Nope. (Why the heck not?) The search box, at least, uses a magnifying glass icon to suggest its purpose, even if the icon is highly abstract in both visual representation and concept. It’s hard to think of a control that communicates less about its purpose than this little glass bead. (But not impossible – perhaps we should be grateful the bead is at least adjacent to the region of the window it affects.)

The new user looks at the control and wonders, "What the hell do you do?"
The control gives its stony reply: "If you must ask, you are unworthy."

Leaving dependent controls enabled

In certain types of UI such as wizards and forms, it’s common to see UI like this:


Here the text box is said to be a "dependent control", because its enabled state depends upon the current selected state of the radio buttons.

In situations like the one above, I personally prefer a design that leaves the text box enabled at all times. Instead of using the state of the radio buttons to drive the state of the text box, the design goes the other way: the state of the text box drives the state of the radio buttons.


This lets the user who wants to enter something in the text box do so directly, without having to first select the second radio button. In my experience, this technique makes the UI feel faster, avoids frustration ("Why can’t I type in the box?"), and doesn’t suffer any practical downside.

Picasa Hello vs MSN Photo Swap

I recently played with two photo slideshow sharing products: Picasa Hello and MSN Photo Swap (part of MSN Messenger version 7). These two products both give people a way to show someone else photos over the net, but their UIs reveal subtle distinctions between their user models for this task.

The most interesting distinction for me comes up in the UI for determining who’s showing photos and who’s watching photos. Hello’s model allows for free-form interaction between the participants. If you want to look at a specific photo, you can. If you want to let your buddy drive the action, you click a command called "Follow Friend":


You can see which photo your friend is looking at and – if they want to follow your lead – they can elect to follow along with you. In practice, this model and the resulting UI feels natural.

MSN Photo Swap, meanwhile, feels like what you’d get if you shared photos according to Robert’s Rules of Order. One user has the floor, so to speak, and gets to hold on to it for as long as they want. When they see fit to cede control to someone else, they click a "Pass Control" command:


In practice, this model makes what should be a pleasant experience between friends feel dull. If I don’t want to look at the photo my buddy is showing, I’m stuck. (Where is the "Filibuster" command?)

The rest of Picasa Hello’s UI is likewise friendlier than that in MSN Photo Swap – but the UI is moot. Hello is probably doomed as a standalone application.

Photo slideshow sharing is a feature, not a product. It only makes sense in the context of a larger framework for interaction over the net such as an IM client like MSN Messenger. I can’t imagine telling someone that I want to show them some photos I took, but first they should download and install a client app that they’ll never use for any other purpose.

Here’s hoping Picasa Hello gets incorporated into something bigger, or that Photo Swap loosens up.

How many apps are there in that app, anyway?

Software product teams working on large products need to give names to individual application components just so they can communicate effectively – but that’s not a good reason to force a user to learn names for different parts of something that, to them, is a single entity.

A common example: a Setup app is a little application that helps install a bigger application. The software team needs to keep straight which application they’re talking about (in specs, bug reports, etc.), so they give the Setup app its own name. The user ends up having to bear the burden of figuring out who does what. The following is a particularly egregious (and unfortunately very common) example:


So here we’ve got one named thing (Java Runtime Environment Setup) that’s preparing another named thing (an InstallShield Wizard) that will help the user install a third named thing (Java). The user could care less about these other pieces that are involved, so there’s no reason to confuse them by introducing these other components by name at all. All the user cares about here is getting Java onto their machine (and they may not really care about that either – maybe what they’re really trying to do is get a Java app to run).

The dialog could easily have said, "Please wait while Java is installed", or even just, "Please wait."

A UI sketch whose controls perfectly fill the window is probably too good to be true

If you’re ever shown a UI design for a new top-level application window, be sure to notice whether the controls on the window happen to perfectly fill up on the available space. This is often a sign of trouble.

Many application windows are resizable. (If a top-level modeless window isn’t resizable, it’s a reasonable question to ask: why not?) A common mistake when designing resizable windows is to focus too much on some perfect window size that happens to show off the window’s controls to best advantage – a window size that few people other than the designer is ever likely to see. It’s important to question how the window is going to respond when the user resizes it. For example, many users commonly maximize the application window they’re working in. A surprising number of applications actually look awful when they’re maximized on a typical large display: the additional space the designer didn’t design for is either wasted or allocated to some control (often a text box or list box) that didn’t really need it.

Progress bars that start over are almost useless

An app should never show the user a progress bar, fill it up, only to reset it and make them watch it fill up again.

Two-thirds done — or is it?

An app with a progress bar that resets will fail to deliver on the promise it has made. The app is saying, "Almost done! Almost done! Just a second more!", then saying, "Just kidding! There’s still more." The user loses faith the process is anywhere near completion. For all they know, the progress bar is going to reset again, and again, and again. If a progress bar can start all over, there’s practically no value in having a progress bar in the first place. It’s more honest in such a case to use a progress animation instead of a progress bar; at least that doesn’t make any promises about when an operation will finish.

When an app has back-to-back operations that can take a long time, incorporate the progress for those operations into a combined progress bar. This can be done, for example, by assigning arbitrary percentages based on expected results. If the first operation usually takes about three times as long as the second, then the first operation can be defined to fill up 75% of the progress bar and the second operation to fill up the remaining 25%. This can result in a change in progress bar speed, but this still allows the user to derive more value from the progress bar, and maintains a sense a progress.

Can't sleep...

… so I think I’ll get around to starting that UI design blog I’ve been meaning to start. I’d prefer to just read someone else’s insightful commentary on user interface design, but haven’t found much yet on the topic. There are sites like Jakob Nielsen’s useit.com, but that’s primarily about usability and user research, not user interface design. There are a few other sites on web UI design, but they generally ignore the design of client software UI. To me that’s odd, since today the UI of the average client application is still far richer and interactive than the UI of the average web site. Focusing on web design exclusively is like studying architecture and only looking at the design of houses. There should be more discussion of the craft of UI, and that discussion should include traditional PC client UI as well as web UI, cell phones, etc.

Hence, this blog.